Certified Rhodochrosite Stone Bracelet & Mantrit (Energized)


Certified Rhodochrosite Stone Bracelet & Mantrit (Energized)


  • Rhodochrosite is a deep cleanser of the Heart Chakra.
  • An ideal stone for emotional blocks and wounds.
  • It helps in tissue repair, absorption of Body nutrients and minerals, ulcers & breathing problems.


Product origin: south africa

Abhimantrit Natural Rhodochrosite Stone Bracelet (Assists Deep Emotional Healing) & Gemstone Bracelet- Very Effective,Original- Lab Certified

Healing with Rhodochrosite
Rhodochrosite is a stone that integrates physical and spiritual energies, stimulating love and passion while energising the soul.  Rhodochrosite opens the heart, lifting depression and encouraging a positive and cheerful outlook.  It improves self worth and soothes emotional stress.  Rhodochrosite encourages a positive attitude, creativity and innovation, and enhances dream states.

Rhodochrosite regulates and stabilises the heart beat, balances blood pressure and stimulates circulation, the kidneys and reproductive organs.  It alleviates migraines, skin disorders, thyroid imbalances, and intestinal problems.  Rhodochrosite purifies the circulatory system and restores poor eyesight

  1. With its beautiful raspberry red to soft rose-red color, Rhodocrosite is one of the most sought after and desirable stones.
  2. It has a distinctive appearance with attractive agate-like banding in white, also known as the bacon-strip effect.
  3. It is also known as Raspberry spar or Inca Rose ( Rose del Inca or Rose Inca).
  • Rhodochrosite Benefits: Rhodochrosite is a deep cleanser of the Heart Chakra. An ideal stone for emotional blocks and wounds. It helps in tissue repair, absorption of Body nutrients and minerals, ulcers & breathing problems. It improves blood circulation and regulates blood pressure and pulse rate. This stone can help with digestive disorders, abdominal pains, ulcers, and constipation. It can help purify the liver and address coronary issues. It is beneficial to people who are suffering from skin disorders, rashes, and allergies.
  • Rhodochrosite is a strong stone to aid emotional healing. It encourages you to feel love for yourself, and its energy will assist you in meditation, to reach a state of joy and sublime happiness.It’s energy may stimulateyour inner child, and bring a deep childlike happiness and joy into your lifeIt may also help to bring deep forgotten memories to the surface for healing

    Assists Deep Emotional Healing

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