Natural 13 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Bead 40mm


Natural 13 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Bead 40mm


  • – This Rudraksha is considered to be very auspicious for marital happiness.
  • – Gauri Shankar Rudraksha helps the Women who are facing a delay in marriage or are unable to find a suitable match.
  • – This bead is also very helpful for all women who are facing any kind of pregnancy issue.


Product Origin: Nepal

Natural 13 Mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Bead 7.3 Gram & 40mm ( Very Rare & Exclusive )

13 mukhi Gauri shankar Rudraksha Beads:  has 13 natural grooves Gauri shankar Rudraksha & represents Lord Kamdeva, “the Lord of beauty, attraction, desires & comforts”.
  • It is said that when invoked the wearer receives the blessings of Lord Kamdev & gets all possible healthy pleasures of life & helps the possessor enjoy a luxurious and a comfortable life. 
  • It is an excellent tool for businessmen & professionals in attracting more clients towards them, for obtaining growth, expansion, rise, promotions, reaching higher levels in their work hierarchy. 
  • This  (13 mukhi) Gauri shankar Rudraksha Beads is perfect for people who should have been at a particular level in their work but are much below it for various reasons & for people who have a stagnant career but awaiting growth since a long time. 13 mukhi Rudraksha helps you to reach the satisfactory level in life & increases your urge for success. 
  • It is excellent for men/women who wish to enhance Charisma, attraction, magnetism, brilliance, and appeal & attract right life partners. 
  • It is ideal for seekers of name and fame & people having political ambitions. Individuals who lack passion could also wear a  (13 mukhi) Gauri shankar Rudraksha Beads

The main deities of this Rudraksh are Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati. This showers the blessing of the Gods on the wearer and his family and brings peace and harmony in the family. This  (13 mukhi) Gauri shankar Rudraksha Beads Rudraksha does not have any ruling planet and puts, in general, the effect of the entire planets on the wearer. It is famous for spreading Peace and comfort in the family. It should be worn on Monday for the best results. These  (13 mukhi) Gauri shankar Rudraksha Beads  can be worn as a pendant or mala or can be kept at Altar and worshiped wholeheartedly as prescribed by its rules. The Mantra for wearing (13 mukhi)  Gauri Shankar Rudraksha Nepal are Om Gauri-Shankaraya Namah and Om Namah Shivaya.

What is Gauri shankar Rudraksha?
Two Beads naturally joined to each other is called a Gaurishanker Rudraksha. This extremely powerful Rudraksha is a symbol of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati together, which is a true symbol of unity. It provides multiple effects of which one would be of maintaining relationships with one and all & other would be of providing the effects of number of mukhis it has on it. For instance a 13 mukhi Gaurishanker would give the effects of a 13 mukhi Rudraksha as well as a Gaurishanker. We hereby take the opportunity to take our esteemed viewers through one of the rarest collection of authentic Gaurishanker Rudrakshas produced by the great Mother earth & possessed by RudraBlessings with the blessings of “The Ultimate”, “The Supreme” the one & only , our great “Lord Shiva”.
One needs to be blessed with real good karmas to even have a look at such a rare & divine bead & then possess them. As one says seeing is believing, one is free to take a look at our collection personally also but with prior appointment. We hereby display (13 mukhi) Gaurishanker Rudrakshas.

The (13 mukhi) Gauri Shankar Rudrakshas is a direct manifestation of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It is also recommended to be worn directly on the back of the neck over the spine where the Kundalini flows. The 13 mukhi Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is probably one that expands consciousness from a very wide perspective. It is also very good for the longevity of the inmates. For the ladies who undergo miscarriage, this is a perfect Rudraksha for them to have a virtuous child.

  • Our  (13 mukhi) Gauri shankar Rudraksha Beads are original and of top-grade quality.
  • Wearing this Rudraksha enhances you charisma, makes you magnetic and draws people to you.
  • It is a powerful bead for fulfillment of all your desires.
  • This 13 faced Rudraksha helps you to attain salvation (Moksha).

We bring you these rarely found  (13 mukhi) Gauri shankar Rudraksha Beads exclusively from Nepal. These high potent beads are further energized by our team of experts through pujas and recitation of the mantras, and then presented to you to benefit you immensely

13 mukhi Gauri shankar Rudraksha Beads is the form of the lord Indra & lord kamadeva . Lord Indra becomes happy, if it is worn. It gives riches. If a man wears, he is upgraded, his honour increases. It fulfills all the earthly desires and gives eight accomplishments (Siddhies), and the god cupid (Kamdeva) pleases with the man who wears it. “Kartikeya samo gyeye sarva Kaamarth Sidhidah.” This Rudraksha provides all attainments connected with chemical science.

The researchers of medical science reach new horizons of success by wearing this thirteen face Rudraksha. Symbol Of : Lord Kamadeva Ruling Planet : Venus Recommended for : Attraction, Abundance, Eight Accomplishments (Siddhies) Mantra : “OM Hreem Namah”

Wear Monday For Best Result

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